Final Touch Ups on Editing

Hello it was nice to see you again! So far editing has been great. My group and I did have some minor setbacks though. The scenes that I filmed on Rose's phone came out in poor quality when she sent them to Vanessa. We had to think fast. Reshooting was definitely not an option. Fortunately, I suggested that Rose sends back the scenes. That did the trick! After that minor problem every went great. We organized which scenes goes were. Vanessa is almost done editing. Today we spoke about special effects and the timing of each scene. As I predicted earlier in this project, the commercial is going to line up perfectly to be 30 seconds. I think that my group did an amazing job for our first time! Sadly, this is the end of the journey for this commercial project. By the time my group finishes editing, our commercials will finished! This is the last of the editing for this assignment. I cant wait for more projects like these. This journey was amazing! I learned so much about filming and what it takes to make a commercial. 


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