Title Design Research: Hostage

Movie: Hostage

Genre: Action

Website: watchthetitles

  1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones?

There are many titles that were displayed during the opening sequence. This includes the film’s executive producers, the name of the movie, and the author of the novel. There is a total of about 29 titles in the movie, Hostage. 

2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel) The images carry a mysterious connotation. All of the images are color-coded to dark and plain colors. These colors include: dark red, black, and gray. Although the music is slow and gentle, the images depict a different story. The majority of the images are that of buildings that seemingly tower over readers, guns, and the streets of a city. This gives viewers the feeling of a sort of power struggle. 

  1. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell 

what genre the film is) The genre is reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset in many ways. The sequence starts off giving off an ominous feeling. It makes viewers feel almost trapped as the images slowly spiral down. The technical codes show how the camera moved to a high angle, this helped tell the story of the movie. The images also signify distress. At the end of the title sequence, we see a man with a gun to his head screaming into a phone. This symbolic code gives viewers insight into how he’s feeling.

  1. What conventions are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The film’s conventions appeal to its target audience by creating suspense. Many audiences in action movies look for and enjoy the suspense of the movie. The images in the opening sequence also show guns and violence.  The film also shows a man who is obviously very hostile and in distress. These are things usually seen in action movies.


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